Links of interest

Here are some sites I endorse. Unlike the old Twitter adage "retweet != endorsement", I am happy to endorse things with which I don't always agree, and neither you, dear reader, nor the hosts of these podcasts care whether I endorse them or not. 😃


Andy Stanley Leadership podcast Leadership insights from a wide variety of American leaders.
Day Two DevOps, from Packet Pushers Interviews on a variety of topics relating to technical operations in public (and sometimes private) clouds.
Heavy Networking, from Packet Pushers Enterprise and service provider technical networking podcast.
IPv6 Buzz, from Packet Pushers I have a love-hate relationship with this one - the hosts, despite being highly technical, have a tendency to gloss over technical pain points and other things that currently make IPv6 deployments tricky in the real world.
Internet Storm Centre Stormcast A must-listen weekday Internet security podcast.
Investing Compass A wide-ranging weekly discussion of topics relevant to individual Australian investors from two Morningstar investment specialists; super-approachable and friendly hosts.
Last Week in AWS AWS news with a healthy (and tasty!) dose of snark.
Life & Faith Consistently the most interesting, surprising, and challenging podcast in my podcast roll.
NAB Morning Call Australia-focused weekday finance update.
Network Break, from Packet Pushers General IT industry news and commentary, with a lean towards networking.
North Point Community Church Andy Stanley's weekly messages.
Packet Protector, from Packet Pushers IT security news, interviews, and commentary; very approachable hosts.
The Pivot Stories of people who made a change. Inactive at present, but there's gold in that back-catalogue.
Quirks & Quarks Canadian science podcast.
Richard Johnson Lecture The Centre for Public Christianity's annual flagship event.
Risky Business Not the Tom Cruise movie, the Australian IT Security podcast. In recent years their editorial viewpoint has become far too supportive of government surveillance, but it's compelling listening nonetheless.
Ubuntu Security Podcast A weekly round-up of CVEs and other security events of interest from a member of the Ubuntu Security team.
The Week at CPX A short weekly round-up from The Centre for Public Christianity.