An update to "What's in my Podcast Roll?"

I blogged previously about the podcasts I regularly listen to, and the topic came up again this week on the SAGE-AU mailing list, so I thought I'd update it with my current thoughts.

Regular listens from the previous list

  • SANS Internet Storm Centre daily podcast [feed] - Still my "must listen" podcast.
  • Risky Business [feeds] - They have done a little cleaning up on the NSFW content, but they could still do with a little more.  The RB2 feed has been expanded to include "Serious Business", a light-hearted look at general current affairs with Dan Ilic, an Australian comedian based in the U.S.
  • Packet Pushers [feeds] - Getting a bit too frequent for a full-length (60+ minutes) podcast, but still interesting; they've diversified content and now include "Network Break", a shorter, business-/news-focused show, and "Datanauts", a "silo-busting" show on data centre topics in general.  One disappointment is that Michele "Mrs. Y" Churbirka's "Healthy Paranoia" is inactive at the moment.
  • Linux Voice [feed] - Desktop/mobile/freedom-focused Linux podcast from the ex-Linux Format/Tuxradar team.  Sometimes not as technical as I would like.
  • DevOps Cafe [feed] - good interviews, not too frequent.
  • The Cloudcast [feed] - Broad coverage of cloud topics, from both business and technical perspectives.  Some of their guest spots are a bit light on content, but overall still pretty good. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the amount of content.
  • Andy Stanley - A profound Bible scholar disguised as a catchy communicator. Multiple podcasts:

Added recently

  • Quirks and Quarks [feed] - weekly science show which features interviews with (mostly) doctorate-qualified scientists talking about their studies.  Compelling stuff - I never miss an episode.  They take a break over the Northern Hemisphere summer, which almost gives me withdrawal symptoms.
  • Software Gone Wild [feed] - Software-Defined Networking from Ivan Pepelnjak, a long-time networking expert.  Discusses interesting projects; not afraid to call out traditional vendors for their hype and vapourware.
  • Arrested DevOps [feed] - Deals a lot with of cultural and organisational issues relevant to the DevOps movement, as well as technical topics.

Podcasts I've dropped

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