dircproxy for always-on, unobtrusive IRC

I use IRC a lot for asking questions (and hopefully answering some as well) about Free Software projects, particularly Ubuntu-AU.  Most of the time i use IRC from my laptop, which means that every time i shut the lid or disconnect from the wired...

Email trivialities - a couple of first encounters

Last week i had my first encounter with a person who was unable to read an email which used Usenet-style quoting.  For those not familiar with the whole debate, which probably started probably before i first encountered the Internet (way back in...

Fix for Flash plugin crashing on Ubuntu karmic & lucid

I've had a few problems over recent weeks on both Ubuntu karmic (9.10) and lucid (10.04) whereby web pages built on Flash player (such as ABC iView) would display a large error screen proclaiming that Flash player had crashed. I first saw it on...

What the world needs now is a better SMT

Novell's SMT (Subscription Management Tool) is a software update tool for SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE.  I've had the dubious honour of working with it over the last few months on a client site.  These notes were compiled as a result of...

More on living Microsoft free!

IT Toolbox has a great little summary of the experiences of Mike Kavis, a guy who's been living Microsoft free in an all Microsoft shop - at work! It all started from an "eat your own dog food" challenge (something i did with my wife which...

Wanted: Network tracing "Swiss army knife"

A lot of my work involves network tracing (hence my recent wiki page), and it would be great if i could do this with a really simple, transportable device. Ideally it would have these characteristics: Pocket-sized, lightweight Two Gigabit...